How to Bypass and Detect “Phishing” Link

Rizaldy Primanta Putra
2 min readJan 12, 2022


bypassing and detecting phishing without click it

I’m still into “Phishing” things nowadays, since it was actually deeper and bigger when we talk more about it.

Few days ago i have already shared and wrote about What’s a Phishing, example, and things related to it. You can read it HERE if you haven’t do so.

So basically right now, what i want to share is HOW ?
How can we detect those phishing link without even visiting it ?
How can we know what’s behind this sketchy shortened url links ?
How can we prevent clicking those links first to know about it ?
And the another how, and how :)

So here’s the explanation about it.

How to Detect and Bypass phishing link without clicking it and even scan the links first!

example of phishing link
  • After visiting the site, just paste your sketchy shortened url and it reveal it’s magic, i mean the exact the details of the REAL URL just like below image.
REAL URL got exposed after pasting your shortened url and even let’s you scan the link first

And that’s it!

Well TLDR, just visit the URL bypasser site and paste your links to check your shortened links whether it’s safe or not :)



Rizaldy Primanta Putra
Rizaldy Primanta Putra

Written by Rizaldy Primanta Putra

IT Specialist and Enthusiast. Connect on LinkedIn: Check out my bio!

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